In case of a household emergency, your first step should be to protect your family from harm. After that, take steps to correct or mitigate the effects of the emergency issue. For example, damage from a water leak can be minimized by turning off the water to a particular fixture or turning off the water main to your home as soon as possible before contacting the appropriate party to fix the damage.
Next, call the appropriate trade partner. This will eliminate considerable delay and inconvenience to you. For your convenience, these numbers are located on a sticker inside your kitchen sink cabinet.
Fieldstone Homes defines household emergencies as issues that require immediate attention to protect you and your family from harm or to avoid damage to your personal property, home or land.
If you do not get an adequate response from the appropriate trade partner, call our Warranty Service Department at the 24-hour emergency number: (801) 565-4295
A Warranty Service Emergency is defined as but not limited to the following:
- A total stoppage of the plumbing drain system including all of your sinks, tubs or toilets within the first 30 days of ownership. The stoppage of one toilet or drain when other bathrooms are functional is not an emergency.
- A water leak which requires that the water supply to your home be shut off to avoid serious water damage. A leak which can be isolated by the shutoffs under a cabinet or plumbing fixture is not an emergency.
- A total electrical failure.
- A partial electrical failure which renders inoperable your refrigerator, or furnace.
- A gas leak - The gas shutoff valves are located at the furnace, the water heater and behind any other gas appliance, you may have. The main shutoff valve is located at the gas meter outside your home.
If your situation does not fall within the emergency guidelines, utilize the Homeowner Portal link above to submit a written Warranty Service Request. However, if you believe that a delay in responding to a written request could result in further damage, please also call the trade partner that did the work or our emergency line.